Joseph Saxton

Joseph Saxton (1799-1873) was an American inventor, born at Huntingdon, Pa. He went to Philadelphia in 1817 and while there invented a machine for cutting the teeth of marine chronometer wheels, and an escapement and compensating pendulum for clocks, and constructed a clock for the steeple of Independence Hall.

He went to London in 1828 and resided there nine years, enjoying the acquaintance of Faraday. On his return to Philadelphia he superintended the making of machinery for the United States Mint and afterward had charge of the construction of standard weights and measures, accurate sets of which were furnished to national and State governments. Among his ingenious contrivances may be mentioned a mirror comparator for comparing standards of length and a new form of dividing engine; a self-registering tide gauge, and an immersed hydrometer.

See also

This article incorporates text from an edition of the New International Encyclopedia that is in the public domain.